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Desmintiendo MITOS populares y desvelando la REALIDAD [🚀] Propiedad: @Proyecto_Valkyria [📢] Publicidad: @DavidV97
Ogni giorno una pagina di storia con ricorrenze, foto d’epoca e approfondimenti per scoprire insieme LaNostraStoria!⚜️ 🗳Proponi articoli e commenta: @LaNostraStoria_Bot 📈 Acquista pubblicità: @sponsorpolimata
This archive is for images, videos & artwork of the wars which tore the western world apart. Images of the past and present will be posted in respectful memory & for historical study. 🔞 What a waste...
Тематический блог редактора исторических проектов. Живу между Москвой и Калининградом и своими словами рассказываю историю края. 🏰 города, замки, люди, 📸 интересные фото и факты 📝 и, конечно, тайны, легенды, истории. Для связи @KS_contact_bot
Find out more about our Earth, Solar system and the Universe. Just facts and fascinating images. Please support us: Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/ourearthgalaxy Donate: https://bmc.link/realpandaprod Contact us: @RealPanda_bot
📜Would our ancestors be proud that we had not forgotten them? ———————————————— Link for friends - https://t.me/+FvBTlypVQh9hZTky @Oleg_Akerman1 https://telega.io/c/BeforeOurTime
Easy and interesting knowledge. Know what you don't know. It's for free. Our official group kindly join : @international_worldtalkers_club Contact admins @Minnesotakid @perseverance400