Похожие каналы
🏛 Отечественная и мировая история. 📚 Образовательные рассказы о фактах и событиях прошлого. 🎞 Фото и видео из жизни СССР и Российской империи. Владелец канала: @yan_minotskiy Закупщик: @NikulinNTG Купить рекламу: https://telega.in/c/smplhistory
A channel for those who want to live life to the fullest, make a positive impact, and build a better inner and outer world with Matthew Belair.
Let's see more of everything that is, that may be or could be... See, know and enjoy more... (The source of contents is written below each post, mostly 𝕏 and Instagram accounts)
The Third Reich (and friends) on paper. Pre-1946 posters, postcards, flyers, magazines, books, etc. Some duplicates are unavoidable. A poor copy is better than no copy at all. Images will be replaced with higher-resolution versions when such are found.
Easy and interesting knowledge. Know what you don't know. It's for free. Our official group kindly join : @international_worldtalkers_club Contact admins @Minnesotakid @perseverance400
» Canal en español para leer datos curiosos de todo lo que nos rodea. « 😄🤗🌐😜👍 @siempreconsonrisa Creadora : @cvety21 https://discord.gg/Z5Hwru