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⚡️Невероятные события и факты! Повышай свою эрудицию каждый день вместе с нами🧠 ✉️Админы: @yeahArtem
Конфедеративные Штаты Америки, Гражданская война в США “The defenders of a just cause should be pure in His eyes.” ~ From Lee’s General Order No. 63 Чат: https://t.me/+pXFi_VrsZ7o0ZGRi Комментарии, предложения и вопросы: @little_alec_bot
Videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism. We are a small team who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful.
A channel for historical content, including lesser known moments and opinions on history. An investigation into lost culture, tradition, and past. Broad scope of content. A warehouse of facts. Sources are usually published or available on request.
Días Internacionales, Mundiales, Populares. Semanas Internacionales, años. Y todo el contenido relacionado con las celebraciones a nivel mundial. 🌍 https://www.diainternacionalde.com 📧 dias@diainternacionalde.com
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Загін "Paragon Company" в складі спецпідрозділу "Тимура" ГУР МО. https://t.me/+rVTk54BS1GoxOTUy